The tastes of ice cream? Typical Italian products!

gelatoA study sponsored by Antica Gelateria del Corso, accomplished through data collection and research, and supported by an online monitoring methodology by WOA (Web Opinion Analysis) on the main social networks - Facebook, Twitter, YouTube - blog community and interactive, involving about 1300 users between 25 and 55 indicates that: ice cream is one of the symbols of Italy, and now Italians choose exclusively characteristic flavors of an area, such as hazelnut, lemon and pistachio, from a reliable source.

What does mean for Italians eat ice cream?
For more than half (53%) represents a rite, part of summer. According to others is a product capable of delivering well-being and tranquility (49%), the ambassador of Italian taste through its typicality (38%). For some (31%) is a dessert that can be eaten at any time of year.

What does italians look when savor an ice cream?
Mainly refreshing flavors and with a strong link with the territory of belonging (31%).

So now looking more and more Italian tastes from a reliable source and linked to the Made in Italy, as well as the most refreshing.

A good ice cream, made with taste related to the history and traditions of some geographic areas, can 'give comfort on a psychological level, linked to the complex of feelings, memories and identity arising from the sentimental value of a certain taste. "

How you choose ice cream?




Source: AGI

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